About Us

Hello World!

My name is Seamus, and I’m a high school student. In this era of political partisanship and turmoil, being informed but unable to vote can be frustrating. I feel like the future of my country, my home, is being decided without me, without having a say about what kind of world I’m going to live in.

I may not have a vote, but I have a voice. Like many, I’m afraid for our future. It is time for us, all of us, to speak out and be heard.

I’ve always been an active voice in my community – speaking to my school board about start times that forced friends of mine to be up at 4:45 in the morning, entering a public speaking competition to educate about renewable energy, traveling to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity with the right to safe and clean water, even just lending a hand at my local farmers market and attending city council meetings.

But none of this makes a difference alone. 

That is why I started Disillusioned Citizen. To help those in need, one first has to be able to hear their cries. To that end, I have elected to create this site – to give myself a voice, and to give voice to issues that go unnoticed or undressed. To perhaps in my own small way, make the world a better place. 

My dad always says to me ‘leave things better than you found them’. It is usually because he wants me to clean my room, but regardless it is a powerful sentiment, one we should apply to not just our possessions but to our lives. 

Making change takes a village. 

Will you stand with us?

– Seamus Allen (2018)